So This is the beginning of my new Blog. Let me just tell you the whole reason I started up a new one. My husband in the past tried to start his own blog and never really put one up and some how it got mixed in with my blog which irritated me because every time I'd leave a comment on someone elses blog it would show me as "ugh what" interesting name yes?! Well nobody really knows who I am with a silly name like that! Plus since I haven't been really trying much on my other blog I thought hey maybe this could be a new start to not be so dang lazy with my blog and actually write about things instead of just leaving videos for you to watch and then waiting a few months to see another boring post I put up! So this is to new beginnings and believe me I have lots to post about I just need to figure out where to start and what to start with!!!Enjoy!! Oh yes and don't mind those pictures with my boys it kind of looks like I'm putting in an ad for the paper or something trying to get my kids a date which wasn't really my intention so that might be changed soon!lol As you can tell I'm not a super creative person but I try!;)
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