Friday, August 20, 2010
Just a Note
If I do not have you on my list of Blogs that means I need to get an invite from you! My e-mail is
Monday, August 16, 2010
Just a few things

So there's been quite a few things I haven't posted pretty much all summer and maybe some.. So this might be a little long for ya! Rhett graduated preschool in July he gets to hit up kindergarten in August. Woot! Woot! Gage and Rhett both had swim lessons this summer which i was a bad mommy and didn't take them to every class!But they had a good time while it lasted! Gage didn't really want to do any of lessons but eventually would listen while the class was almost to an end for the day. Rhett on the other hand his mind was somewhere else but he still did a good job! He actually taught himself to swim before lessons started. I kind of waisted 25 bucks but who cares he knows how to swim!! Fourth of July was at my dad's house we had delicious food, fireworks that were a little on the week side but the kids enjoyed them! Gage got burned by a sparkler and we had delicious dessert! The whole family was there and it was pretty nice.. Just bare with me with the pics though there kind of random so it's a guessing game but I'm sure it's not too hard! Rhett had a little out patient surgery done. I'm not in the place to say what kind of surgery but he is all better now! He was actually excited to wear the cool space snowboarding pj's they gave him and he was just talking away with the nurse asking a million questions with no worries. The nurse let him pick a flavor for his sleep mask. Then he just walked off with the nurse to surgery holding her hand not even looking back! In the recovery room he was having a hard time waking up. He had to eat a popsicle before he left which the first bite ended in vomit! Eventually we got to leave and the first thing he asked for was a freezy freeze which is another way of saying slurpee. He recovered well it was a long first couple weeks of pain for him but he made it through. What a trooper!! Before this visit to get surgery we took him to the Lieds children's museum omg it was crazy!!! Too many kids! We didn't stay there too long because there was so many people. But it was a little treat before Rhett had to stay inside for the next couple weeks! This summer we also went to the springs preserve. I love it when there's barely anyone because it's so relaxing and the kids get to have fun also. We were there a few hours just chillin and everyone was happy!! Rhett's cousins just recently came from Florida to visit Brooklyn and little baby Lexi and of course Aunt Tiff. It's been a while since we got to see them cause they live so flippin far! We're happy we got a little time with them though. While they were here the boy's cousin zach had a little Birthday cake and we got a few pics with the cousins. My sister-in-law and brother had a little one and had him blessed he's a little cutie pie! We've had my Grandma Nelson's or I should say Grandma Shirley as she would've preferred.Her funeral was sad to say a family reunion with all the Aunts, Uncle's ,cousins. But I got to see them and even though I was sad to see my Grandma go I'm sure she is happy to be reunited with my grandpa. I went to visit a cousin that lives in Salt Lake,she has a couple boys. So we went to the Kangaroo Zoo the boys loved it!! Let me tell you about Kangaroo Zoo it's inside and the kids jump and slide down a whole bunch of blown up stuff. If you wanna get your kids energy out it's spectacular even I had a blast!! Thanks Tatum and Jason! Oh yes I almost forgot about the pic with Gage eating an icecream in his lap. Mike and I had gotten these pretty large ice cream popsicles for the boys you know the mexican ones and Gave was dropping ice cream on his lap so I had a towel in the car. The towel ended up turning into a bowl and I some how had an extra slurpee straw in the car so he just used it as a spoon. It's amazing what a mother has sitting around. Always prepared for the worst! Not always..So we've had an eventful summer! Well at least the last part of it! I'm sure I've missed a few stories so they'll probably be a few more things to post but for now this I'm sure is enough for one person to handle! Adios!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Are wisdom teeth really wise?

Don't I look frightening!?So I haven't gone to the dentist in about 8 years! Since hike school pretty much. I know disgusting right!? But I realized the one thing I never got done was get my wisdom teeth taken out ! Pretty much because my brother Rick the dentist told me!lol So he sent me to an oral surgeon to get them taken out. The surgeon gave me 3 options local anesthetic, doped up, or put to sleep. I didn't really like any of the options cause they scared the crap out of me! So as I was sitting in the surgery chair scared out of my mind telling the nurses why I didn't like any of the options it kind of ended up with them choosing for me! Which was being put to sleep which didn't end up being so bad in the end cause I had no clue of anything that had happened and that's just how I wanted it! No breaking of teeth or pressure just taking a nice nap with no pain. Thank you nurses!! Some of you might think I was a woose well your right I was!! First day was a yogurt and a home made milk shake but the second day I had nausea half the day and it sucked! I'm finally feeling ok now and in a day or two I can finally eat normal again! As some of you know that was gonna be a start to a new diet for me but milkshakes aren't really diet food. You gotta blame it on the sore mouth cuz that's all I could eat! But I will do better after I promise!! I have plenty more posts on the way so keep checking back!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Yay a new blog!!
So This is the beginning of my new Blog. Let me just tell you the whole reason I started up a new one. My husband in the past tried to start his own blog and never really put one up and some how it got mixed in with my blog which irritated me because every time I'd leave a comment on someone elses blog it would show me as "ugh what" interesting name yes?! Well nobody really knows who I am with a silly name like that! Plus since I haven't been really trying much on my other blog I thought hey maybe this could be a new start to not be so dang lazy with my blog and actually write about things instead of just leaving videos for you to watch and then waiting a few months to see another boring post I put up! So this is to new beginnings and believe me I have lots to post about I just need to figure out where to start and what to start with!!!Enjoy!! Oh yes and don't mind those pictures with my boys it kind of looks like I'm putting in an ad for the paper or something trying to get my kids a date which wasn't really my intention so that might be changed soon!lol As you can tell I'm not a super creative person but I try!;)
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