Rhett just had a Birthday recently! His Birthday was September 7th.He is now my little 5 year old! We had a little Birthday at the water park with some of his close friends during the weekend. He had pizza and an awesome Buzz Lightyear themed party with awesome cupcakes made by my husband and an awesome cake my husband and I did together. He also had a mini Birthday party on his actual Birthday he wanted hamburgers and picked out a cupcake cake at the store that looked like an icecream cone. Let me tell ya that kid is very spoiled. But when it comes to Birthdays in our family we do like a week celebration. I can't believe my boy is 5 now! Let me tell you a few things about Rhett, the kid loves to joke! Anything can turn into a joke it doesn't even have to make sense it's hilarious to him and that's all that matters. He likes anything green especially dark green but most kids I meet like that color for some reason. Rhett is obsessed with Mario all though he refuses to even try to play the game. He asks his dad to play for him all the time not just Mario but other games on the Wii also. He talks sooo much at this age and tells stories about of course mario! Sometimes I think I might just go crazy if I hear another thing about Mario and all the other characters!! Just recently he's been teaching me letters and makes me write them after he shows me how to do it. lol What a smarty pants!! He has been stubborn all his life so he will argue like no other! I can already tell he is not going to be a push-over when he's older. He'll stand his own ground! I've had an awesome and hard 5 years with him but I love him like crazy! I love my little stink! Happy Birthday Rhett!!